- JinMed (NASDAQ: ZJYL) to Release Financial Results Durin··· JinMed (NASDAQ: ZJYL) to Rel··· 2023-08-21
- 【Good news】 Zhongjin Medical successfully listed on N··· 【Good news】 Zhongjin Medi··· 2023-03-29
- Changzhou Zhongjin medical•Nanchang hope house- Communi··· Changzhou Zhongjin medical•··· 2019-03-28
- The donation ceremony of Zhongjin Wheelchair was grandly··· The donation ceremony of Zho··· 2018-06-05
- Shared wheelchair “Small V”have been put the topline i··· Shared wheelchair “Small V”··· 2018-04-08
- Zhongjin Medical was exhibited at Dubai Health Exhibitio··· Zhongjin Medical was exhibit··· 2018-02-06
- Changzhou Zhongjin Medical was founded in January 2006 Changzhou Zhongjin Medical w··· 2014-07-01
- The project of Zhongjin Medical Northeast Poverty Allevi··· The project of Zhongjin Medi··· 2013-09-26
- Zhongjin Company was awarded the title of "Passionate Wo··· Zhongjin Company was awarded··· 2020-01-06
- Spring promotion for Zhongjin wheelchair are beginning Spring promotion for Zhongji··· 2015-07-14